Our Services (Nuestro Servicios)
We provide the best service in all areas from being a witness as a notary on a document to being your TAX Preparer. We do not promise WE GIVE good service and always with a Big smile.
Notary (Notario Publico)
We only witness signatures on documents that are brought to us. We are not Attorneys. We are also Mobile Notaries. Cost starts at $15.00
(Solo somos testigos de las firmas en los documentos que se nos presentan. d. No somos Abogados. Tambien ofrecemos servicio de Notario Mobile. Costo empieza a $15.00)
Interpreter (Interprete)
We Interpret at any locations for any clients. We go to Probation office or out of town at Immigration Offices in Wichita, KS, Oklahoma City, Ok, Kansas city, KS or any other cities if necessary.
Cost start at $25.00/ hr
(Interpretamos en cualquier lugar para cualquier cliente. Vamos a Oficinas de Probation (Libertad Condicional) o Oficinas de Inmigracion fuera del pueblo. Como: Wichita, KS, Oklahoma City, o Kansas City y otras ciudades si es necesario.)
Costo empieza $25.00/ hr
Fill out Any type of Applications
(LLenamos todo Tipo de Aplicaciones)
We fill out all types of Applications. Job Applications, Birth Certificate App, Marriage Certificate, 401K, Retirement, Social Security Applications.
(Llenamos todo tipo de Applicaciones. De Trabajo, Acta de Nacimientos, Matrimonios, De Retiro de Ahorros , Jubilacion y Seguro Social.
Translations (Traducciones)
We translate any document from Spanish to English or English to Spanish.
Starts at $50.00 per Document
(Traducimos cualquier documento de Espanol a Inlges o Ingles a Espanol.
costo Empiensa a $50 por documento)
TAX Preparer (Preparacion de Impuestos.
We prepare TAX for Individuals, Business or Truck Drivers.
Cost start at $80.00
(Preparamos Impuestos para Individuales, Negocios o Troqueros.
Costo Empiesa en $80.00
New ITIN or Re-new ( Nuevo ITIN or Renovamos)
We request new ITIN and will need to prepare TAXES for new ITIN. We also renew ITIN. Cost start at $80.00
(Pedimos nuevo ITIN con la preparacion de Impuestos. Tambien renovamos ITIN.
Costo Empiesa en $80.00